Another match report - this one entirely positive! I just got done playing the best game I have ever played.
It was a ZvP. I decided to forgo my cheese, which turned out to be the right decision as my opponent quickly walled off and secured his second. I macro'd up a bit into 3 bases and managed to get a decent crew of mutas out pretty quick. I did some excellent economic damage to his main and expo, but was pushed out repeatedly by stalkers and phoenix. Man phoenix are crazy powerful against mutas. After some flying around and macro'ing up, I decided to transition into hydra/ling. In retrospect, since my opponent was turtled in pretty hard, I should have gone for some higher level tech.
We traded armies a few times - and by traded armies, I mean I did what Zerg is forced to do and throw masses of units at his base until sometime gets through. Nothing got through, and my opponent was given enough time to get to a good mass of archons. Not much I could do from there - my hydras and lings weren't powerful enough to overcome them.
What do I need to do differently?
As opposed to earlier games, I took a much more macro approach, and it really paid off. I was able to get pretty fast mutas and do some decent harass. After the match I wondered if I should have stuck with the muta and massed them more, but that wouldn't have been smart - phoenix ruin muta, and he had about a dozen phoenix by then to my 20 or mutas. No contest there. I made a transition into hydras, but what I should have done was expanded a few more times, spread that creep out a lot, taken the high-yield expos, and teched up in a HARD way into brood lord/corruptor. I should have feined some hydras to get my opponent to overreact and teched up into hardcore skyzerg. That would have won me the game.
On a more mechanical level, I still need to get better at larvae injections and creep spread. Those can be the difference between trading armies and coming out on top. I also need to make a better effort to use my upgrades. I didn't get any +1 upgrades at all, focusing entirely on buffs like ling and hydra speed. I need to also focus on getting more maxed out on supply.
All in all, another good game, very happy with it, even though I lost. I'll watch the replay to see when I could have countered with something different and use that in the future.
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