Sunday, March 31, 2013

Ugh, take a few days off to play some Bioshock Infinite and look what it does to you.  Win two games in a row, and look what it does to you.

It was a ZvP - my worst and most butthurt-y matchup.  I decided to go back to my usual - 2 bases roaches. I started out okay, but things started going wrong quickly.  I missed several larvae injections, I messed up a LOT of hotkeys (I had quite a few drones idle a lot because my dumb ass set the eggs to a hotkey instead of  the hatchery...), and my responses were way slow.  I also never really had much of a chance - my opponent was a gold-level protoss, so he knew what he needed to do.  He did everything by the book (and it's the correct book too) - four gateways with a few immortals thrown in, balled everything up, and threw in some good force fields in the process.  Even without those fields it still would have been a bad time for me.  I lost an overlord to a stalker and got supply blocked for about four hours (that's what it felt like, at least).  All game I was supply blocked, as I was so behind on building any overlords.  I had 2 bases running at low saturations too, as my drone count wasn't up to snuff either.  So much for making gold any time soon - I need to learn some low level ZvP tactics.

Only one thing learned today: Play more!  Don't take a long break and expect it to go well.

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